The union of satellite and 5G to boost the connectivity of the future

In a workshop dedicated to 5G and satellite, we analyzed the importance of creating an orderly network ecosystem to guarantee rapid, universal and efficient deployment.

The union of satellite and 5G to boost the connectivity of the future


06 mayo 2022

The development of 5G, a true paradigm shift in telecommunications, responds to the growing need to connect objects and people wherever they are at all times, both with other people and with other objects. This will allow us to offer the user a convergent and unified service, with new use cases even in sectors characterized by a low or no level of digitalization. To achieve this ambitious objective efficiently, this new technology has been conceived from its origin as a network of networks that takes advantage of the characteristic advantages of each of the telecommunications infrastructures that we have at our disposal, whether fixed, terrestrial or satellite. .

This combination will have to be an ordered ecosystem, which adapts to the coverage and capacity requirements of this new technology at all times and circumstances. Only in this way can a global and viable commercial development of this new standard be guaranteed.

What can satellite contribute to 5G? Basically, a universal, fast and efficient deployment. As is already being seen in various broadband connectivity solutions in remote environments, the satellite is a key tool to be able to guarantee technologies linked to digitalization to 100% of the population and in 100% of the territory. In addition, it allows the extension of cellular networks to be optimized quickly and at a lower cost, without leaving anyone behind. As a result of this convergence, 5G Edge Computing applications can be explored via satellite, which represent a significant improvement in the user experience and significant savings for the operator, who will not have to continuously transmit data to the cloud.

The necessary collaboration within the 3GPP

 To achieve this desired network organization, 3GPP, the global association that develops mobile communications standards, is working on the standardization of 5G including satellite technology, protocols and modulations. This will allow the complete convergence of technologies, that is, the interoperability of networks with the satellite: just as a 5G mobile phone will be able to connect to any network, a satellite user's device will also be able to interoperate on different networks in a transparent way for the user. Furthermore, through this standardization the satellite will be able to access a greater range of technological providers and compatible innovative developments.

As discussed in the workshop, it is necessary for operators, together with satellite suppliers and manufacturers, to work closely and generally on the standardization of this new technology. Furthermore, it is important that they increase their presence in organizations such as the 3GPP to give greater relevance to the role that the satellite can play and thus give it a more necessary role than ever in decision-making.

Darwin leads the way

Another key element when thinking about the use of satellite for 5G solutions is mobility. In this sense, the work that Darwin is leading in the field of autonomous vehicles demonstrates how satellite can be complemented with terrestrial networks to ensure quality and universal coverage in a transparent way for users.

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