Rural Spain wants universal connectivity now

HISPASAT presented its connectivity solutions for the rural world at Presura 21, including its new wholesale satellite broadband service of up to 100 Mbps.

Rural Spain wants universal connectivity now


11 noviembre 2021

The rural environment does not have a second to lose. This was, without a doubt, one of the main conclusions drawn from the dialogues at Presura 2021, the fifth edition of the fair for the repopulation of rural Spain. During the three days of the meeting, exhibitors and participants could see a host of initiatives aimed at promoting an emptied Spain through collaboration and entrepreneurship. However, all of them converged on the need for two fundamental pillars so that they could become a reality that would energize our towns: public policies and connectivity.

“Equal rights, equal opportunities, social justice and the fight against climate change, all of this is equivalent to data reaching rural areas on equal terms today. That is why we want broadband Internet access anywhere in our territory, at the same price, or lower - due to the added difficulties that living in rural areas entails - than those that can be enjoyed by those who live in larger towns. If it is already possible to have 100 Mbps connectivity via satellite, which requires much less infrastructure... let's democratize it," summarized the mayor of Sigüenza, María Jesús Merino.

Previously, at the opening of the fair, the CEO of HISPASAT, Miguel Ángel Panduro, had announced the new service aimed at closing the digital divide in Spain that provides wholesale, neutral and open broadband speeds of up to 100 Mbps. telecommunications operators.

"We are faced with a unique opportunity to promote universal connectivity in the Spanish territory. We are not just talking about providing 100 Mbps for residential services in remote areas, but also about digitizing their fields and livestock, bringing them health, training and electronic administration services. and to protect their forests against fires," commented Panduro.

Many of these layers that can be added to the main satellite Internet access service had a demonstrator at the HISPASAT stand in Presura: from WiFi points so that municipalities can offer open Internet in their public squares to IoT solutions applied to livestock to know at all times the situation of the herds, including the prevention and early detection of fires or the improvement of municipal management and the activity of fishing fleets).

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The satellite and the right to education in Honduras
Rural Internet


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The satellite and the right to education in Honduras

ICTs are called to enrich and transform education as we know it. At HISPASAT, in collaboration with leading technology providers in the sector, we have developed a complete solution that allows rural schools to be provided with a complete package of ICT services and technologies.

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Connected grazing in the Sierra de Aralar


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