AENOR grants HISPASAT the certificate of action protocols against COVID-19

HISPASAT has obtained the AENOR certificate for action protocols against COVID-19. This recognition endorses the Management Model implemented by the company to face the situation caused by the coronavirus.

AENOR grants HISPASAT the certificate of action protocols against COVID-19


27 octubre 2020

For HISPASAT, the safety of all our employees and especially the essential personnel who have maintained their in-person activity in the Arganda del Rey (Madrid) and Serviente (Brazil) control centers has always been of utmost importance. In them, it is especially relevant to guarantee that all those who participate in an activity as critical as satellite communications continue to have the best means to develop it with the highest standards of quality and availability despite the health crisis.

Since the first moments of this pandemic, our company has had a firm commitment to ensuring at all times that our employees can carry out their work with a high level of protection, minimizing as much as possible the risk involved in carrying out a professional activity in person. and returning to their work centers with the maximum possible guarantees. Thus, in the first weeks of returning to in-person activity, HISPASAT made IgM/igG SARS-COV-2 ELISA serological tests available to all its professionals to know the status of the workforce in terms of the incidence of COVID-19. refers. It has also developed protocols and standards to guarantee compliance with the defined maximum capacity and the maintenance of interpersonal distance between its professionals and maintains close monitoring of the evolution of their health status, with special attention to especially vulnerable personnel. In the most material area, a sufficient number of protective elements and products for periodic disinfection have been acquired - and kept in stock - that are available daily to both our employees and third parties who come to our facilities and we have also created a protocol for preventing the risk of exposure.

To obtain the certificate, AENOR has evaluated aspects such as the management of possible risks, health at work, training, information and communications to employees and third parties, protection measures and good cleaning and hygiene practices in the facilities. that we have reinforced during these months. According to Miguel Táuler, director of Resources and Organization at HISPASAT, “for us the safety of our employees has always been the most important thing and that is why we have worked hard these months to make the return to our facilities safe and efficient. It is essential that all of them can count on the greatest guarantees when carrying out their activity.”

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