First of all, we will show you our new 100 Mbps satellite Internet product, which HISPASAT offers wholesale and open to all telecommunications operators. In addition, you will be able to learn about all the IoT solutions that we have developed in order to promote a complete digitalization of the rural world in areas such as municipal management, smart livestock farming or comprehensive forest protection, among others.
The satellite offers connectivity anywhere in the territory, whether you are stationary or moving. For this reason, at our stand you will also be able to examine a self-pointing satellite terminal focused on land mobility services, easy to integrate into any type of vehicle and that does not require specific operations for its operation. In addition, we will explain how HISPASAT is working on the integration of 5G and satellite networks aimed at autonomous driving in the Darwin project.
Finally, HISPASAT will present several innovation projects focused on new technologies for the digitalization of remote areas, such as the deployment of 5G cells with edge computing services, the use of IoT technology to monitor rescues and emergency situations or the connection with Drones for monitoring critical infrastructure. In the coming days we will give you more details about all of them.
But our activity at Mobile is not limited to our stand, we will also be at MWCapital to present a pilot project of satellite connectivity in remote high mountain areas that we will carry out in collaboration with MWCapital, the Conselh Generau d' Aran and Arantec. You can follow this event on March 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the MWCapital stand (4G100), which will also be broadcast via streaming from the MWCapital website. Don't miss it!
We celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, remembering the importance of creating role models for younger women and promoting equal opportunities.
The use of satellite allows hikers or workers to use wearable devices in remote areas to monitor their activity, detect falls or send alerts in the event of an accident so that emergency teams can act as quickly as possible.
Varias decenas de estudiantes de la escuela rural del departamento de Guainía han iniciado su proceso de transformación digital gracias a nuestra solución de internet satelital de banda ancha rural, te lo contamos…
We donated to five remote schools in the country a complete digital classroom and satellite broadband solution that will benefit more than 400 students, and a satellite telemedicine service to provide primary care remotely.
In Redeia, through HISPASAT and Elewit, it leads a pilot project in which it works with the IoT solutions integrator Nexmachina to implement in the area a series of connectivity applications aimed at improving the conditions of the shepherds in their cabins, guaranteeing their security and optimize the resources of the municipalities in the area.